Shetland Chiropractor | Joanne Middleton
Welcome to Shetland Chiropractic

Joanne Middleton, Shetland Chiropractor
Having delivered quality chiropractic care in Blandford, Dorset and Aberdeen since 2002, I am delighted to have returned home to the Shetland Isles where I grew up, and where my family still lives. Although the clinic is young, having only been established full-time since July 2007, I have big plans for chiropractic and our community here.
Referral Based Chiropractic
Shetland Chiropractic is a referral-based chiropractic practice. We use this website to explain to Shetland residents what chiropractic is—and what chiropractic isn’t!
Are you looking for a natural solution to headaches or back pain? Or perhaps ways to get well and stay well that avoid drugs or surgery? You’re in the right place! Because finding a qualified chiropractor in the Shetland Isles begins and ends right here!
Looking For Relief?
Take the first step towards relief by calling our Shetland chiropractic office today. Countless other Shetland residents already have!